What do we believe?

God is the creator of the earth and all the universe

Genesis 1v1, Isaiah 45v18

Jesus will return and set up God’s kingdom on earth

Zechariah 14v9, Acts 1v11, Matthew 6v10

He will reign from Jerusalem in peace and righteousness

Isaiah 9v7, Jeremiah 3v17, Revelation 5v10 & Habakkuk 2v14

If we repent and turn to God with faith - we will be saved and given a place in His eternal kingdom

Mark 16v16, Romans 10v9, Romans 6v23, 2 Peter 1v11

The Bible is God’s wholly inspired message to us

2 Timothy 3v16 & 2 Peter 1v21

Jesus is the Son of God, born of Mary

Luke 1v30-32, Matthew 1v18-21, Matthew 3v17

He died for our sins and rose again from the dead

1 Corinthians 15v3, Mark 16v6, Luke 24v6-7, Acts 26v22-23

He is now at the right hand of God governing the earth from heaven

Matthew 28v18, Mark 16v19 & Romans 8v34

God will fulfil His promises

2 Peter 3v9, Romans 4v20-21 & Numbers 14v21